Spot On Polygraph


Get to Know Before Choosing


What Is a Polygraph & How It Works?

A polygraph is a scientific instrument used to detect deception. It simultaneously and continuously measures breathing patterns, relative changes in blood volume and Electro Dermal Activity (Changes in sweat).

The term "polygraph" literally means "many writings." The name refers to the way selected physiological activities are simultaneously recorded.

What procedures are followed during a polygraph?
  • It is important to understand what a polygraph examination entails. A polygraph instrument will collect physiological data from at least three systems in the human body. Convoluted rubber tubes that are placed over the examinee's chest and abdominal area will record respiratory activity. Two small metal plates, attached to the fingers, will record sweat gland activity, and a blood pressure cuff, or similar device will record cardiovascular activity.
  • Up to date polygraph examiners will use a computerized polygraph instrument.
  • A typical polygraph examination will include the following 3 procedures/periods referred to as a pre-test, a chart collection phase and a test data analysis phase.
  • In the pre-test, the polygraph examiner will complete required paperwork and talk with the examinee about the test. During this period, the examiner will explain the instrumentation that is to be used and also discuss the questions that will be asked and familiarize the examinee with the testing procedure.
  • During this phase of the test the examiner will also establish whether or not the examinee is suitable to undergo a polygraph examination i.e. Medical and mental history.
  • During the chart collection phase, the examiner will administer and collect a number of polygraph charts. Following this, the examiner will analyze the charts and render an opinion as to the truthfulness of the person taking the test.
  • The examiner, when appropriate, will offer the examinee an opportunity to explain physiological responses in relation to one or more questions asked during the test.
How accurate are the polygraph?
Can a person be forced to take a polygraph examination?
Can nervousness affect the examination results?
How confidential is a polygraph examination?
Does a polygraph detect lies?
Arranging polygraph testing

As we are constantly busy, we prefer to work by appointment, but we realize there are times you might need a polygraph test very urgent, feel free to contact us at 0825452449.

We can normally provide a testing slot within two or three working days of an appointment being requested (see quotes and bookings).

Before making a booking, please note the following important requirements:

  1. The person to be tested must be properly consulted and informed (not just told or instructed) about the intended polygraph exam, to ensure that he/she would be completely willing to sign a written consent to the polygraph examiner. If a person is deceived, or refuses, the polygraph session will be terminated, and the appointment would have to be paid for in full. (see terms and conditions)
  2. Determine if an interpreter is needed and inform us accordingly, beforehand. If the person is not completely fluent in English or Afrikaans, he/she would have a right to have an interpreter present. The interpreter must be an independent person who is trained and experienced in the complexities of polygraph exam interpretation and must be approved by the polygraph examiner.
  3. Determine if the person to be tested is/would be reasonably well-rested and reasonably healthy. We cannot test someone who has just completed an entire night shift, someone who has not had sufficient sleep recently, someone who is emotionally upset, someone who is ill or injured, someone who is in pain, someone who is distressed, someone who smells of alcohol, and a female who is pregnant.
  4. Obtain a quotation from us as well as a copy of our Terms & Conditions of service, so that you precisely know the relevant cost implications as well as our requirements/terms & conditions.
  5. Please refer to our Booking Tab or phone us once you have adequately deal with the above points 1 to 4.
  6. Provide us with the relevant facts needed/case background, e.g., if it is a theft, the approximate date and place/address, what was stolen, the value etc.
  7. We have a have a fully trained Polygraph tester (black) speaking 5 fluent black official languages, please ask for help to assist once booking is placed.


