
Terms & Conditions

  1. All invoice should be paid as stipulated on the final invoice (C.O.D. /A.S.A.P./ 7 Days / 30 days) please be advised that absolutely no late payments will be excepted.
  2. Ad hock clients means a client that only does business with us every now and then and they have no agreement or a 30-day account with Spot on Polygraph. The client will pay 85% of the quote or Invoice and then the final 15% will be paid before the final report are released by email.
  3. VERY IMPORTANT (Spot on Polygraph will not forward any final reports to the client before the final invoice is paid). Please understand that unfortunately we have zero tolerance towards this matter.
  4. If the payments are not paid as stipulated in the quote or final invoice, an additional 25% of the amount will be added as a penalty feeto the total amount owing. This amount will escalate every 30 days with 25 % on the total amount till invoice is fully paid.
  5. Spot on Polygraph is a member with membership number 6675 with Accountability since Feb 2012.
  6. You / Company will be listed as a defaulter to the National Defaulter Credit Bureau within 20 days if full payment is not done.
  7. You are responsible for the full amount quoted / invoiced from the moment you accept the quote or booked online regardless of whether the tests deliver a confession or not. You are liable for all costs quoted / invoiced.
  8. Once you booked for example 6 members to be tested you are liable to pay for all 6 people booked on the day.
  9. Once a subject refused to do the test the client is still liable to pay for the member refusing to do the test.10.Once a full confession is obtained an additional amount will be added to the invoice, the client will be responsible to pay for the confession obtained.
  10. All quotes are subject to change depending on situations on the day of the booking. This is because our travelling expenses may be different all depending on changing factors like:

     Petrol price increases, distances travelled, tollgate fees or any additional expenses or as agreed with the examiner. The final invoice will include these additional fees.

  1. These expenses will be discussed with the client and will not be unreasonable.
  2. Once a client make use of the Spot-on Office a Consultation fee will be added on the invoice.

       This is to cover general expense like, drinking water, aircon, toilet paper, coffee etc.


  1. Once the client placed a booking online the person placing the booking, he/she will be the primary person being responsible for paying the invoice.
  2. Once a booking was done the person placing the booking should ensure that an 85 % deposit is paid in the next 12/24 hours.
  3. If no deposit was received in time as a confirmation on the booking, we can cancel the booking online to ensure other clients obtain the booking slots.
  4. In the event of a cancellation, if the calendar period is less than a week of the calendar booking date the customer will forfeit the 85 % deposit that was already paid.
  5. If an 85 % deposit was not paid in advance to confirm the booking and then cancellation follows the client will still be responsible to pay 85% as a cancellation fee of the total invoice send to client.
  1. .If for any reason a final booking was confirmed verbally by phone or email and the customer has not paid the deposit of 85% yet, the customer shall pay 85% of the total quote or invoice as a cancellation fee to Spot on polygraph within 3/7 days following the calendar day of the confirmed booking.
  2. Any cancellation should be done 1 week prior to the booking place and confirmed. Bear in mind time is money and we are dedicated to being present as requested by our clients.
  3. All proceedings are recorded on camera and will be given to our clients on a memory stick they provide, or which may be purchased by the client at an additional cost.
  4. Spot on polygraph is available to testify for the client in a CCMA/HEARINGS. Please arrange and book us in advance.
  5. Any information shared between the examiner /examinee on the day is absolute confidential and will not be disclosed to any other party. Results will only be shared with the subject without permission to do so.
  6. A telephonic booking confirmation between Spot on Polygraph and the client will be binding and final.
  7. The client accepts and agrees that under no circumstances or for any reason may he/she refuse payment of the full amount agreed to, to Spot on Polygraph after the booking was confirmed and /or testing was conducted.
  8. Reports will be submitted by email within 12/72 hours of conducting the polygraph test, all depends how busy the examiners are on the day. The results are time consuming as the measuring and analysing must be accurate but spot on polygraph, will do all in its power to submit test reports as speedily as possible.
  9. On the day of the test spot on polygraph and the client will have a short meeting to discuss all the facts. Please ensure that the contact or responsible person is available to meet ON TIME (we may have another appointment scheduled) This meeting is essential to ensure that the CASE FACTS are discussed, and questions is formulated correctly Please understand that a polygraph test takes approximately 1 hour per person.
  10. The entire procedure and questions will be explained to the subject. It is important for the subject/s to understand exactly what is going on and how the procedure works.
  11. Take note that there are three different kinds of results possible from our polygraph charts -Take note that there are three different kinds of results possible from our polygraph charts -
Fail test - deceptive Pass test - no deception Inconclusive - no result An inconclusive result may be caused by the following factors affecting the subject: - Illegal drugs - Cold weather - Very little sleep - Distraction to the subjects body e.g. Death of a family member and several other possible reasons - Strong medication e.g. Depression medication An inconclusive result occurs very seldom (2%) and it is suggested that subject/s be retested or alternately, a voice stress analysing test can be conducted or Eye detection test.

FRIENDLY REQUEST Ideal conditions to ensure the best results for the test/s to be conducted:
  • A closed office, 1 big table and 3 chairs are available on the day. Some water with glasses also available for the examiner and examinees.
  • A warm office will be good for the equipment that we use, especially in wintertime.
  • Please make sure that all members are comfortable in English as a language, if any other language is requested Mr Andrew (Examiner) can be asked to attend the Polygraph test.
  • The subject should be sober on the day of the test.
  • The subject had at least more than 4 hours sleep.

In industry of Polygraph According to our association we only allowed to do 5 /6 people per day.

Our association clearly stipulates that it takes a lot of energy from the examiner once we test more than 5 people the examiner is more likely to make some human errors.
After the test were conducted the examiner still needs to analyst the chart reading of every individual that was tested on the day therefore 
The examiner still work after the test were conducted so we could send the final reports to our clients as soon as possible.
Every test that will be analyst takes up to 30 minutes or more depends on the proto call that was followed by the examiner.

 If we do more than 5 people, our association could with draw our certifications and we would be in jeopardy losing our licence to do a polygraph test.

The client / customer understands the above agreement and submit fully to the terms and agreement explained above. Once any booking is placed it is the client/ customer has familiar himself / herself to the terms and agreement.


Get A Discount

Special pricing is only applicable once the client makes full payment before the test starts.
Clients make a full payment as per quote and send POP (Proof of payment) to spotonpolygraphceo@gmail.com


Get a free quote online. (quotes are correctly formulated by the client)

Make a full payment as per the quote received in your email. (banking details on quote)


To book an examiner, visit the website and use the special price for both parties. Payment is made before tests start, ensuring same-day reports without delays. No cancellations are accepted. Use the quote number as a reference, and an invoice will be sent after full payment. The website offers a quote and booking system on the main page.

Thank you for your business and support.

Please feel free to give us a call at 


Steven Steyn (CEO)


